lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Homework (25/05/2020)

Reading: "Finding a Cure"

Today, read the comic on page 75 of your Pupils Book. BUT FIRST! These are all the irregular verbs within the text. Please, go to your irregular verb list (on your agenda or blog), and REVIEW THESE VERBS:

- BE
- GO

THINK: What other REGULAR verbs can you find in the text? TIP: they are followed by -ED.

Then, do all exercises on page 72 of your Activity Book (por ahora entregamos sólo el voluntario):

- Exercise 1 (reading comprehension)
- Exercise 2: (lee e intenta completar los huecos aunque no hagamos el listening. Piensa qué palabra puede ser correcta antes de escribirla. Quizás necesites volver a leer el texto).
- Exercise 3: (give your personal opinion)

- VOLUNTEER: Exercise 4: Investigate on the internet and complete. Then, send the answers by RAICES (Photo or digital file). 

Heat Energy (25/05/2020)

Heat Energy!

Lee la página 62 y 23 del Pupils Book. 

A continuación, mira los vídeos en orden y realiza las tareas.

 Divide este trabajo en varios días 

(no mandaré más tareas de ciencias hasta el viernes).

Heat Part 1:

Heat is a type of energy, produced by the movement of molecules in matter. This energy is transferred from a hot object to a cold object. Thsi can happen by means of conduction, convection or radiation. Radiation needs no matter, it requires waves!!

Here is a drawing of how heat transfer happens during water boiling (agua hirviendo):


Heat Part 2:

Temperature is not the same as heat! Temperature is how we measure heat. Heat is a type of energy transferred from a hot object to a cold object through conduction, convection or radiation. States of matter are: solid, liquid and gas. High temperatures produce changes in the state of matter, and expansion of gases.


PRACTICE: Exercises 10, 11, 12 and 13 from your Activity Book (pages 29 and 30).

INVESTIGATION: Look up the definition of "THERMAL CONDUCTOR" and "THERMAL ISULATOR". Use the Internet to find 5 materials that are good thermal conductors, and 5 materials that are thermal insulators.

(Busca la definición de "Conductor Térmico" y "Aislante Térmico" en Internet. Encuentra 5 matteriales que sean buenos conductores térmicos y 5 materiales que sean buenos aislantes térmicos)

EXPERIMENTATION: Experiment on page 63 (Pupils Book): "TRY THIS". You will need a bowl of hot water, a bottle of plastic and a balloon. CON LA AYUDA DE TUS PADRES. Si no tienes globos, puedes usar guantes o bolsas de plástico pequeñas. Responde a estos apartados (IN ENGLISH):

A: Before the experiment, what do I think that is going to happen?
B: After the experiment: what has happened?
C: Applying knowledge: How does an air balloon work?

A: Antes del experimento, ¿qué pienso que va a ocurrir?
B: Después del experimento: ¿qué ha pasado?
C: Aplico lo aprendido: ¿Cómo funciona un globo aerostático?


Entregamos por RAICES el apartado "INVESTIGATION" y el de "EXPERIMENTATION" (foto o formato digital). El experimento DEBE SER SUPERVISADO POR UN ADULTO. En caso de no disponer de medios suficientes para realizarlo, escríbanme por privado en RAICES.

Próximo viernes 29, mandaré tarea de práctica de toda la unidad y QUIZZIZ de Repaso. Los alumnos deben planificarse para estudiar y plantear dudas. Pondré un control sobre los contenidos de la unidad el VIERNES 5 de JUNIO.