miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

TASKS 01/04/2020


Read pages 50 and 51 from your Natural Science Pupil´s Book again.

Then, do exercises 8, 9, 10 and 12 from pages 23, 24 and 25 on the Natural Science Activity Book.

Key Vocabulary for the activities:

- Crack= a broken part of something
- Earth´s crust = exterior part of the Earth
- Reservoirs = places where water or other resources are stored or placed.
- Wave = movement in water or air.
- Precipitation= water falling from the sky
- Turn into = convert into = to change the form or aspect of something.
- To waste energy=to not make a good use of energy.
- To save energy= to only use the energy that is essential.


HOMEWORK 1/04/2020

UNIT 6 - GRAMMAR: Reading (II)

Hoy volvemos a leer el texto y respondemos a las preguntas de comprensión del activity book.

Solutions to the table:

Decide-Decided  (decidir, regular)
Sing-Sang-Sung (cantar, irregular)
See-Saw-Seen (ver, irregular)
Help-Helped (ayudar, regular)
Win-Won-Won (ganar, irregular)


Now, read the text on page 63 (Pupil´s Book) again, this verbs can help you. Then, go to your Activity Book, page 60, and do exercises 1, 3 and 4.