viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Solutions and new tasks 20/03/2020

Renewable Energy- Turbines

Hi students!

On our last entry, we were talking about renewable energy and turbines. But, what are turbines? Where can we find turbines? Turbines are machines that generate movement (mechanical energy), so it is later transformed into electricity. They look like this:

Turbines can move with water, wind and gas, so we can find them in different types of energy stations:

Hidroelectric Stations use the movement of water to move turbines.
They use water from waterfalls.

Thermal and Nuclear Stations use the movement of gas to move turbines.
 They have to burn coal, biomass or use uranium to produce gas.

Eolic Stations use the movement of wind to move turbines.
They use the natural force of movement produced by wind.

1- One of these stations doesn´t use renewable energy. Can you guess which? Explain why.

2- Watch this video and learn more about Wind Farms:

3- Here is an explanation of how electricity si created from turbines. Watch the video: