lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Light Energy (video-explicación) 18/05/2020

Light Energy

(This is the work for the whole week - Este es el trabajo para toda la semana)

What does light energy need to happen? Why can we see colours? Why are there rainbows? Learn these and other facts with the next videos.

-- En este vídeo, explico las páginas 58 del libro de Naturales --

Main idea: Light sources can be ARTIFICIAL or NATURAL

-- En este vídeo explico cómo funcionan las ondas de luz --

Main idea: Light energy is made of many waves. Some of them we can see, but some other not. 
White light has the waves of all the colors.

-- En este vídeo explico porqué vemos los colores que vemos -- 

Main idea: Light can be reflected, absorbed or refracted. 
We see the leaves green, because that is the color wave that is being reflected.

-- En este vídeo, explico las páginas 61 del libro de Naturales (Lee la 60 por ti mismo) -- 


READ PAGES 58, 59, 60 and 61

Exercises 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 from pages27, 28 and 29 of your Natural Science Activity Book.

Volunteer: Do the experiment on page 61 ("TRY THIS") 
and write an explanation of what is happening.

THIS IS THE WORK FOR THE WHOLE WEEK!!, You don´t have to do it all at once, but I will continue with  HEAT energy next week. Make sure you understand and ask any questions you have in the comments of this entry

ESTE ES EL TRABAJO DE TODA LA SEMANA!! No tienes que hacerlo todo de golpe, pero continuaremos con la Energía Calorífica la siguiente semana. Asegúrate de entender y preguntar cualquier duda que tengas en los comentarios de esta entrada.