jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Sound Energy (Video-explicación) 14/05/2020

Sound Energy

What does energy need to happen? Can you hear sound in SPACE? How do animals use sound to survive? Learn this and other things watching this video.

-- En este vídeo, explico las páginas 56 y 57 del libro de Naturales --

-- Después de ver el vídeo, haz estos deberes. Luego, busca materiales y realiza el experimento del teléfono casero que te propongo. Escribe un párrafo con tus conclusiones (intenta responder a las preguntas que te formulo y da tu opinión) y mandamelo junto con una foto de tu teléfono casero --


Exercises 1, 2 and 3, pages 26 ans 27 from the ACTIVITY BOOK

EXPERIMENT (Mandatory):

Read page 57 and make your own telephone. Try different materials for the cups and the string.  Take a photo of your telephone and send me a paragraph (digital or a photo from your notebook) with your conclusions. Try to answer these questions:

- Do the phones work when the string is tense? Why?
- Does a shorter or a longer piece of string work best? Why?
- Which material work best

Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old ...

Watch this video for more help: