jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Sound Energy (Video-explicación) 14/05/2020

Sound Energy

What does energy need to happen? Can you hear sound in SPACE? How do animals use sound to survive? Learn this and other things watching this video.

-- En este vídeo, explico las páginas 56 y 57 del libro de Naturales --

-- Después de ver el vídeo, haz estos deberes. Luego, busca materiales y realiza el experimento del teléfono casero que te propongo. Escribe un párrafo con tus conclusiones (intenta responder a las preguntas que te formulo y da tu opinión) y mandamelo junto con una foto de tu teléfono casero --


Exercises 1, 2 and 3, pages 26 ans 27 from the ACTIVITY BOOK

EXPERIMENT (Mandatory):

Read page 57 and make your own telephone. Try different materials for the cups and the string.  Take a photo of your telephone and send me a paragraph (digital or a photo from your notebook) with your conclusions. Try to answer these questions:

- Do the phones work when the string is tense? Why?
- Does a shorter or a longer piece of string work best? Why?
- Which material work best

Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old ...

Watch this video for more help:


6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Félix I am Nicolás Herrero.

    It transmit the sound because there are particles in the plastic or cardboard.

  2. Hola Felix,
    Soy Daniel y creo que se transmiten por la ecotransmision que le da el vaso de plástico
    Un saludo

  3. Hi Felix lm Fairouz l think they transmite your boise make Air particles in the cup and start to vibrate this vibrate make the volume of the cup vibrate in the same wave then they move the Air particles go to the eare of your friend. un saludo Fairouz

  4. Hi Félix,
    I think that the rope transmit the sound to the can and the can makes echo and it travels in waves to your hear.
    Un beso,
    Álvaro Blanco.

  5. Hi guys!! Thank you so much for participating!! Your answers are really interesting. Let´s see what other partners think.

  6. Hi Félix.
    I think that the rope vibrates and the sound go to the other plastic cup.

    Bye bye
