lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

TASKS 30/03/2020

FOSSIL FUELS (page 50-51)

We have worked on renewable energy sources: wind, sun, water, etc. Some of the natural resources can be non-renewable. NON-RENEWABLE means IT WILL RUN OUT! (se agotarán)

Fossil fuels are examples of non-renewable energy. We are talking about COAL, OIL and NATURAL GAS.

Let´s learn more about how they are formed (use subtitles and stop the video as much as you need):

So, this is what is needed to create fossil fuels:


1- Read pages 50 and 51 from your Natural Science Pupil´s Book.

2- Look up the words you don´t understand and write any questions and doubts you have in the comments. (ESCRIBE TUS DUDAS EN LOS COMENTARIOS)

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello Félix! I am Nico what is the meaning of drill and Although

  2. Félix, I forgot the sing of "?".

  3. Hi felix i am hugo i want the meaning of spills

  4. Hi guys, thanks for participate in the blog!

    Drill means to make holes in the ground. The tool used to drill is also call "a drill". Sometimes, when factories drill the bottom of the ocean looking for oil, the make spills. Spills happen when oil pollute the water in the ocean.
